Alcoa anglers Joe Vaulton and Walker LaRue finish fourth in MLF World Finals
BY DAVE LINK Joe Vaulton and Walker LaRue of the Alcoa Fishing Team didn’t know what to expect June 22
read full articleBY DAVE LINK Joe Vaulton and Walker LaRue of the Alcoa Fishing Team didn’t know what to expect June 22
read full articleBY DAVE LINK Summertime is here, and it’s the peak of postseason for high school bass fishing. At least four
read full articleBY DAVE LINK Owen Ray and Camdyn Cranfill of the Rhea County Eagle Anglers weren’t just motivated going into the
read full articleBY DAVE LINK Tanner Herndon and Jaden Purkey have known each other since they were children and are longtime friends.
read full articleBY DAVE LINK Freshman Hayden Barnett and sophomore Will Bacon of the Roane County High School Bass Fishing Team are
read full articleSawyer and Eli O’Hara don’t fish year-around, but when they do fish, watch out. The cousins for the Alcoa Fishing
read full articleBY DAVE LINK Will and Alex Douglas of the Cumberland Gap High School Fishing Club reached a milestone in their
read full articleBY DAVE LINK Bryson Hatcher and Riley Faulkner are ready to take the next steps in their fishing careers
read full articleBY DAVE LINK Alcoa Fishing Team’s Joe Vaulton and Walker LaRue are fishing like seasoned veterans on the Major League
read full articleBy DAVE LINK Heritage senior Brandon Ward has been fishing for bass almost his entire life and had no idea
read full articleFind all our interviews and highlight videos here!!
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